This ancient scripture was found carved on a
rock in the ancient Gaelic Language using the Celtic Ogam alphabet somewhere near the August National Masters Golf Course
in August, Georgia by Whitley Hodges who translated its language into modern English. Whitley and his Celtic Golfing buddies,
regarding the rock as a highly secret and sacred site, have entered into a blood oath to protect the location of the carvings
at all costs.
Whitley, being divinely inspired by the revealed divine truth of the Testament Antiquo, went into every
corner of the world seeking knowledge and wisdom so he could interpret the words found in the Holy Scriptures. After he studied
the Tao of Gawff in the Buddhist temples of Tibet, the All-encompassing eclecticism of the Hindu religion of India, the Za-Zen
meditation of the Buddhist temples of Japan, and the video teachings of Bobby Jones and others, he also studied the mystical
Christian-Druid teachings of the ancient churches of Scotland and Ireland. After spending many months with a Cherokee Shaman
learning how to whisper to and placate the alligators of the ponds and creeks of the Gawff Courses of Myrtle Beach, Charleston,
and Hilton Head, South Carolina, he became a Druid, Shaman, Alligator Whisperer, and Golf Guru of the highest order. Finally,
he felt qualified to return to the Deep South, and write his Commentaries to the True Words of the unknown Master(s) of the
Holy Scriptures found carved on the rocks near the Augusta Nation.
Today, Whitley, a former over-the-road 18-wheel
truck driver, and a recovering lawyer, is deemed one of the highest Masters of the Ancient Order of the Druids of Gawff.
work is often called irreverent, blasphemous, and an attack on the all-male priesthoods of the world who refrain from playing
in the Holy Quest. Well . . .yes!
Whitley has said "If you do not have a Celtic zany bent, and you do not get a thrill
from a whipped stick striking a small white pill, and causing it to hiss through the air over the freshly-cut Bermuda grass
of a 6000-yard long sheep pasture -- well, there's always bungee jumping, line dancing, and bikini-suicide-Frisbee matches
at the local park."